Chiesa di Santa Rocco

Ancient History & Remembrance

Located in city center, this 190 year church was built in 1835 on the ruins of Chiesa di Santa Caterina (Church of Saint Caterina built in the early 1300s). and dedicated in the name of Saint Rocco to thank him for the population that survived to cholera outbreak. Even though this building is not used currently, it still stands a proud reminder of the towns ancient history and of the sacifices of the brave men that fought in the World Wars.

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Ties To The Knights Templar

A very long time ago the Chiesa di Santa Caterina was built on the ruins of a little convent. The rooms of this church were offered to traveling pilgrims and the needy. The stone plaque below was once mounted on the Church before it's demolision in 1300s. The stone was saved and placed into place on Chiesa di Santa Rocco at it's time of construction. This stone has ties to that was once the Knights Templar outpost that dates back to 1206 at the Chiesa di San Jacopo (Church of Saint Jacob) in Campo Corbolini in Florence, where a simular stone plaque is mounted on the doorway. It has been suggested that between the two buildings there is something that links them and that Chiesa di Santa Caterina may have been a Templar station on one of the roads that crossed Molise to the east.